Monday 19 April 2010

week 13 12th April-18th April

Personal and Cultural Development

This week a few friends and I were able to get our hands on tickets to attend a christian conference held at the local Baptist University. The speaker spoke on key Christian fundamentals and also presented his viewpoints as someone who used to be a strong atheist. The conference was translated into Chinese and I found it very amusing that the Chinese would laugh at something that when said in English no one reacted.

My hall was having a singing contest so I went along on Wednesday night to enjoy the karaoke style evening. There were groups, dues and solos. There was a great range from those who had been signed up by friends to those like Luci above who has vocal cords like no other. Almost every night of the week there is an event in HKIEd and sometimes too many events going on that it is hard to choose which one to attend. HKIEd seems to have clubs for everything including the puntunqua and lomographic, Russian photography to mention a few of my favourites.

TST is a hub for people from all over, with the Mosque only a minutes walk from one of the MTR stations. Its always interesting to pass by on a Sunday and to observe the woman taking off their shoes in a different area and entering through a different door from the men. The mosque is made up of two floors, the upper floor is for teaching and the lower floor is set in a way that allows salat, the special rituals prayers to be carried out.

Professional Development

This week I have been so busy getting all my assignments finished before teaching practice starts. I finished my film analysis on sense and sensibility and have learnt a lot about teaching film. I have now got a wider vocabulary to describe filming techniques. Films are a useful tool in today's classrooms and so I'm excited about putting my new skills into practice. I also completed my science and critical thinking report outline on Stem Cell Research and have about 800 more words to write of my 3000 word essay on The identity of Hong Kong people. This essay looks at how years of Japanese and British occupation has affected how the people feel about themselves in a city which is often described as East meets West. The work on Embryonic Stem Cell has really stretched me as I think about ethics, analyse other viewpoints and decide where I stand on the issue.

Despite being so busy with work on Sunday I took a break to go to church and afterwards headed to a gallery display in one of the nearby malls. The gallery was in aid of charity. The charities name is lifeline express and it was very interesting to learn more about what it does. According to China's ministry of health there are 4million cataract sufferers with an increase of 500,000 new cases each year and most of them live in villages. Lifeline Express is a custom built Hospital Eye train which travels to remote areas. It is a gift to China from the Hong Kong and Macau area. So while I was looking at art it was great to hear the story behind what the sale of the art would go to do.

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