Sunday 24 January 2010

Week 1 18th January-24th January

The last couple of weeks have been busy. Sitting four exams and preparing for an eight month trip has been hectic but finally I'm here. I arrived on the evening of Friday the fifteenth. My buddy, Cliff met me at the airport and I soon forgot how tired I was as we travelled on what seemed to be every means of transport-MTR train, bus and finally a taxi.

First Impressions of Hong Kong

It was nine o'clock at night and I was struck by how busy the city seemed. The Sky scrapper buildings and flats were impressive. Cliff told me some of them are thirty storeys high. We had an interesting chat on the way to IEd.Cliff wanted to know all about the UK, Stranmillis and teaching in Northern Ireland. It was interesting to see his reactions to what I told him and by them I realised this was going to be a completely new cultural experience.

Personal and cultural difference

I have lived in Asia before and was expecting a similar experience but Hong kong is so different to the laid back way of doing things in Thailand. Here you see advertised 10 minute haircuts. The booths are set up in the shopping mall and you buy your coupon, its all very efficient. Escalators move much faster than at home and the button in my hall elevator that closes the doors is well worn from being the most frequently pushed button. This fast paced culture sweeps you along. Its great because you never have to wait for more than two minutes for the next train making timetables unnecessary.

Chinese students don't seem to sleep. The library is twenty four seven and I've had a few friends call for me outside my door at 2. I am still getting over jet lag and one night when i couldn't get to sleep at four, I went to the common room and was surprised to see so many students still up. The Chinese students here spend a lot of time on the computer, either doing work or playing games and find it hard to believe that I haven't brought a lap top. They are even going to borrow one from the university for me.

The food here has been mostly a pleasant experience, but I may leave trying frog and fishing for things from the 'hot pot' until I've adjusted completely. Victor, Shirley, Ka Yu and Wing Yeung took Michaela, Sara and I out for a meal, so its been great to see them again and talk about the exchange student experience. Victor and Wing met us for breakfast at eight before our first class on Monday and all four ave been taking good care of us and helping us to sign up for societies.

I am taking three classes. Hong Kong History and Culture, Science and critical thinking and film studies. There were very few classes I was allowed to choose from because of arriving at the college so late and after all the other international students but its great to have the opportunity to take classes that wouldn't be offered or delivered in the same way at Stran. The classes are tree and four hours long with the teacher talking through a mic. It can be hard to concentrate for this length of time and many of the Chinese students do put their heads down on the desk.

The Chinese students have been excited to have us here and we have had many invites to go out for lunch, dessert and shopping. I have also enjoyed going swimming and using the free facilities.

Professional development

Classes have only just started and teaching practice won't begin for a while but one of my goals while I am here is to become more active. I will join a class on physical activity. I think this along with the badminton and tennis training courses I have signed up for will be helpful to me and in my future career as healthy living and PDMU are becoming important parts of the primary curriculum.

Hong Kong has some of the most amazing museums and I have found out from the German exchange student that on a Wednesday all the museums are free entry. I went to to an art museum and found it really inspiring.

I am being exposed to the Chinese culture through the hong kong and mainland students but I am also learning from the other exchange students who come from all over. There are students from Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Philippians, South Korea, Singapore, US, Australia, France and even one guy from Scotland. Our history and culture class gives us the opportunity to share about our own countries systems while we explore Hong Kong's system and way of doing things.

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